Events & Updates

Reminder: Final FlippaBall Friday 31 March!

Special times as follows on Friday 31 March :  Year 2/3, 4.30pm.  Year 4, 5pm.  Year 5/6 Girls, 5.30pm.  Year 5/6 Boys, 6pm.

A great final night of FlippaBall for 2016 with hundreds of happy FlippaBallers! Thanks to the Under 14 State League girls for taking on BBQ and refereeing duties.  We look forward to seeing the Under 14 State League boys behind the BBQ and with a whistle in hand, next term.

Fabulous Friday night FlippaBall fun for the whole family returns 3 February, 2017.   Our 16/17 season finishes on Friday 31 March.

A big thank you to Damian Kelly and Jackie Vittino for making it all possible…..enjoy a well earned break you two!!!

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